Interstate-295/Malcolm X Avenue SE Interchange Improvements

Project Overview
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) relocation onto the St. Elizabeths Campus requires substantial improvements to the I-295/Malcolm X Interchange and widening Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue SE to accommodate the expected increase in traffic. Congress selected General Services Administration (GSA) as the lead agency to implement the DHS consolidation, including all transportation improvements. GSA secured the services of a consultant to prepare the design and construction plans for the improvement of the I-295/Malcolm X Interchange and the widening of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
GSA developed final design plans, specifications, and bid documents. Then, transferred the documents to the District Department of Transportation through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for construction. The project scope of work includes bridges, retaining walls, reconfiguration of interchanges, storm drainage, lighting, extensive landscaping, continuous shared-use path, and other related improvements.
The project team will communicate with residents, Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) members, civic organization leaders, businesses, and other stakeholders to provide periodic updates on the status of the project.
Provide access to the new Department of Homeland Security Headquarters
Facilitate access to Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB)
Increase motorist safety by bringing the interchange up to industry standards
Add I-295 southbound access to/from Malcolm X Avenue SE
Improve access to community resources